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Import Multiple Instructors

Add up to three other instructors to your course at the same time by uploading a roster CSV file.

Your institution administrator can turn off user management by instructors.

Each course can have no more than four instructors.

  1. Select a course in Spark.
  2. Click User Management.
  3. Click Import Expand > Instructors.

    The Import Instructors menu opens.

    Import Instructors menu with two options: "Download CSV template" and "Drop CSV file to upload or browse."
  4. Click Download CSV template.
  5. Open the template in a spreadsheet editing program such as Excel.
  6. Enter instructor information.
    The username for the account.

    Usernames can include the following characters:

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? / 
    First Name

    User's given name.

    Last Name

    User's family name.


    Optional: An email address where Spark can send the student a link to set their password, or verify their identity if they forget their password.

    Note Without an email address, the user cannot set, or reset their own password.
    Course Key 1

    Your course's 8-digit identification code.

    Course keys are shown on your dashboard after Key.

    Course Key 2
    Optional: A second course key is needed to add an instructor to a second course.
    Course Key 3
    Optional: A third course key is needed to add an instructor to a third course.
  7. Save your spreadsheet as a CSV file.
  8. Upload your file by dragging it to Drop CSV file to upload or clicking browse and selecting your file.
    Your upload has started and you will be sent a notification when it has completed. This notification will include details of any users which could not be provisioned successfully and the reasons for that.

    A message is shown in your Messages tab after each roster upload. It contains information about the created accounts or any errors.

    On the instructor dashboard, "Messages" has the label "1", meaning there is a new message.
  9. Check your messages to be sure all users were added successfully.
    1. Click the Messages tab, then click News.
    2. If your upload had errors, click the Error Report to download a report explaining each error in your original document.

      Common errors include not completing required fields or using an existing username.

      Correct your .CSV file and import it again.

    3. If your upload was successful, your message does not link to an error report.
The instructors are added to your course.