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Export Course Gradebook Data

Download raw course Gradebook data as a .CSV or .XSLX file. You can download grades for all activities, or just the ones assigned to your course.
Course Gradebook data reports include:
  • The average grade in the course
  • The percent of the course each student has completed
  • The average score for each student
  • When each student last signed in to Spark
  • The total amount of time each student has spent using Spark
Note You can also export grades for all content as a .CSV file by clicking Export on the Courses tab. All other export options must use the following procedure.
  1. Select a course in Spark.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Click Class Performance.
    Note The report will only contain data displayed on that page, including all the applied filters.

    For instructions on how to apply class performance filters, see Class Performance.

  4. To create a report, click Export.
    1. Select either .CSV or .XLSX file for your report.
    A message in your Messages tab will alert you when your report is ready to download.
    On the instructor dashboard, "Messages" has the label "1", meaning there is a new message.
  5. Click Messages.
  6. Click News, then click the link to download the report.
    A new message says the report is ready to download and gives a download link.