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Edit Course

If needed, change your Spark course information, dates, and instructors.

You cannot delete or edit courses that display lock icon. These courses were created by the Spark administrator for your school.

  1. Click Dashboard in the top menu to see your courses.
  2. Click edit for the course you want to edit.
    To display options for the course, hover over the course.
  3. Edit the course information or dates.
    Course Name
    How the course is listed in Spark.

    Recommended naming format: Semester, Year, Course, Book (Example: Fall 2023 - ESL 030 - Reflect LS 3).

    Start Date
    The first day students can access the course.
    Start dates are now required for all courses. If your course did not previously have a start date, you must add one to save your changes.
    End Date
    The last day students can access the course.
    End dates are now required for all courses. If your course did not previously have an end date, you must add one to save your changes.
    Show all content or assigned content only?
    Select whether students can see all course content or only the content you have assigned.

    For the best Spark experience, select Only show assigned content.

    Additional Info
    Optional: Description or notes.

    This might include the course section or term.

    Note You can't add or remove publisher materials after creating the course.
  4. To add an instructor, click Choose Instructor and select an instructor at your school.
    List of instructors at the school.
  5. Click Save.