Give your students a customized self-registration PDF guide so they can add
themselves to your course. The guide includes a course-specific registration link
that lets
students enroll without a course key.
Create a Spark Course
The self-registration guide for each course contains:
A link students can use to enroll directly in your course without a course
Information on how to sign in or create a new account
A link to the Spark Student Help
Your name
An optional note from you
Click .
Registration Guide for your course opens.
Add a note for your students.
Recommended You might want to include the title
of your course or when your class meets.
Click Download .
The following message displays.
A message will alert you when your report is ready to download.
Click Messages .
Click the News tab, then click
the link to download the self-registration guide.
Give the self-registration guide to your students so they can join your