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Create Self-Registration Guide for Students

Give your students a customized self-registration PDF guide so they can add themselves to your course. The guide includes a course-specific registration link that lets students enroll without a course key.

The self-registration guide for each course contains:
  • A link students can use to enroll directly in your course without a course key.
  • Information on how to sign in or create a new account.
  • A link to the Spark Student Help.
  • Your name.
  • An optional note from you.
  1. Click Student self-registration guide.
    Student self-registration guide can be found:
    • On course tiles on your Dashboard.
    • When you hover over a course on the Courses page.
    • On the Settings section for a course.
    The registration guide for your course opens.
  2. Optional: Add a note for your students.
    recommended You might want to include the title of your course or when your class meets.
  3. Click Download.
    The following message displays.
    Your student registration guide is being generated. Download the file from your Messages.

    A message will alert you when your report is ready to download.

  4. Click the Messages tab.
  5. Click the News tab, then click the link to download the self-registration guide.
    A new message says the report is ready to download and gives a download link.
Give the self-registration guide to your students so they can join your course.