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Create a Test Using Canvas LTI 1.3

Create and assign a test in Spark using Canvas LTI 1.3. You can assign a pre-made test or create your own test using a National Geographic Learning question bank.

Prerequisite: Create a Course
Note Before you can create a test, you must first launch the National Geographic Learning Content Selector in Canvas.

Launch the National Geographic Learning Content Selector

  1. Navigate to the Canvas course.
  2. Click the 3-dots next to +Module.
  3. Select National Geographic Learning Spark from the dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll to the Spark program and level you want and click Link to Course.
  5. Click Select Content.

Create a Pre-Made Test

After you have launched the Content Selector, you can create and assign a pre-made test.

  1. Click Create.
  2. Click the Tests tab in Spark.
  3. Scroll to the test you want and click Assign next to the test name.
  4. Set a Start Date and Time and End Date and Time for students to take the test.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Select settings to control test behavior and security, then click Continue.

    The most restrictive settings are selected by default. If you keep these settings, students cannot review test questions after submitting the test.

    Question attempts
    How many times students can attempt each question.
    Show correctness marks Correct/Incorrect
    After due date
    When students view their test results after the due date, they can see how they did on each question.
    Students are never shown results for individual questions, only their overall test score.
    Show correct answers
    After due date
    When students view their test results after the due date, they can see the correct answers to questions they got wrong.

    Correctness marks must be enabled to show correct answers.

    Students are never shown the correct answers.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Select Assign to all students, including students that join the course later.

    Or, select individual students to take the test.

  9. Click Assign.
  10. Click Create Links.
  11. Scroll to Tests and select the test you just created.
  12. Click Link to LMS.

Create a Test Using National Geographic Learning Question Bank

After you have launched the Content Selector, you can create your own test using questions from a National Geographic Learning question bank.

Depending on the program, you can filter questions by the following standards:
  • Unit
  • Auto/Manually Graded
  • Question Type
  • Depth of Knowledge Levels
  • CEFR
  • CCSS
  • CCRS
  • CASAS Competencies
  • CASAS Reading
  • ELPS
  1. Click Create.
  2. Click the Tests tab in Spark.
  3. Click the Tests tab in Spark.
  4. Click Create a Test +.
  5. Under Test Title, create a name for your test.
  6. Select your program from the Programs dropdown menu.
  7. Click Add Questions +.
    The filters display on the left-side of the screen, and the test questions display on the right.
  8. Optional: Use the filters to display the types of questions you want for your test.
  9. Optional: Click Preview next to a question to view it.
  10. Select the questions you want by clicking the box to the left of each question.
  11. Click Add to Test to add the questions to your test.
    Your test questions will display in the order they are shown to your students.
  12. Optional: Edit your test before saving.
    To do this Do this
    Rename your test Enter a new title in Test Title.
    Add a question Click Add Questions+ and select additional questions.
    Preview a question Click Preview.
    Remove a question Click Delete.
    Change the order of questions Click Upor Down, or click Drag and drop icon next to a question, drag the question and drop it to the position you want.
  13. Click Save & Close.
    Your new test will be listed and indicated by Green rectangle with white text in the center that spells New..