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Complete Assignments

Complete assignments assigned to you by your teacher in Spark.

Assignments can contain both activities and games.

Video Tutorial: Complete Activities and Games

  1. Click Assignments.
    All the activities and games assigned to you will display.
  2. Click an assignment you want to complete.
  3. Click White circle indicates incomplete assignments to open activities, and White star indicates incomplete games. to open games.
    Note Completed activities will have green circles. Completed games will have green stars.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the activity or game.
    Note For games such as crossword puzzles, you are only allowed one attempt to complete.
  5. Click Next question to go to the next question, and Previous question to go to the previous question.
  6. Optional: Click Check Answers after each question to see if you answered it correctly.
  7. Click Done when you complete the activity or game to see your total score.
You can do the following after you submit your answers:
  • If your instructor has allowed for retakes, click Retry to try again.
  • Click Close activity to exit the activity.