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Downloading activities to complete them offline

How to download content

To complete Activities offline you must download them first.

Before downloading them ensure that you have a stable connection to the Internet.

The app will display a warning image if you are not connected (offline):

Click the download button next to any:

  • Activity: to download a specific Activity.
  • Lesson: to download all Activities within a Lesson.
  • Unit: to download all Activities within a Unit.
  • Assignment: to download all Activities within an Assignment.

    Note This option is only available if you are in a teacher-led course

If you decide to download several Activities within a Lesson, Unit, or Assignment, take into account that you must have available space in your device to be able to successfully download them. The larger the size of the package (and the number of Activities you download at once) the longer it will take to complete the download.

When downloading the contents of an entire folder, a message will prompt you to confirm that you want to download all the Activities. To proceed, click Download.
You can track the status of the download by clicking on the status icon in the header:
A list of all Activities and their download progress will appear:

If you want to cancel a download, click Stop download.

Once an Activity within a Unit/Lesson has been downloaded, the Unit/Lesson tile will turn a darker shade of yellow to indicate that the download is complete and that the activity can be opened without Internet connection:
You will also know that an Activity has been fully downloaded when there is a minus button next to the Activity.

You can now click on any downloaded Activity and complete it offline.

Note Every student must download their own Activities when logged in to their profile, even if multiple students share the same device.

If you no longer need an Activity offline, or want to free up space on your device, you can delete an Activity. To delete an Activity from your device, click on the minus button . This will remove the downloaded Activity from your device, at which point the Activity will only be accessible for you to complete while connected to the internet.

Note If you delete the app, all downloaded content will also be deleted. Any previously reported data will be kept on the Spark accessible through your web browser.

Need more space to download content?

Learn what to do if there is not enough space on your device to download content.