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Reset a Student Password

If a student forgets their password, you can create a temporary password for them or send an email with a link to create their own new password.

If your student has an email address associated with their account, they can reset their own password from the sign-in page.

Video Tutorial: Reset Student Password

  1. Select a course in Spark.
  2. Click User Management.
  3. Hover over the user you want to edit.

    The Edit and Delete icons are shown.

    Edit and Delete icons are displayed when hovering.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click Reset Password.
  6. Enter your password and click Next.
  7. Create a new temporary password for your student, or send them a link to set their own password.

    Create new temporary password

    When students sign in with your temporary password, they will be prompted to create a new password.

    1. Select I'll enter a new password myself, then click Next.
    2. Enter the new password in Password and repeat it in Retype password.
    3. Click Save.
    4. A message confirms that the password was reset successfully. Click Close and tell your student their new password.
    1. Select Send the student an email with a link to reset their password, then click Next.
    2. Enter the student's email address and click Send.

      If the student account has an associated email address, it is entered here automatically.

    3. A message confirms that the password was reset successfully. Click Close.