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Edit Test Content

Customize premade Spark tests by removing questions, changing the order of questions, or renaming the test.

Note Tests cannot be edited after the scheduled start date and time.

Editing a premade test creates a new copy of that test with your changes. Any future edits will be saved directly to your copy of the test. You can always access the original version of the premade test.

  1. Click the Tests tab in Spark.
  2. Optional: If you teach multiple courses, filter by program using the Products menu.
  3. Scroll to the test you want to edit and click Edit.
    On the left side of the screen, the list of questions is displayed in the order they are shown to students. On the right side of the screen, a preview of each question is displayed.
    The split screen test editing screen displays the questions on the left-side of the screen and the preview of the selected question on the right-side, with options to use up and down arrows next to each question to re-order the questions, or click the left-hand side of each question row and drag it to the desired position.
  4. Edit your test before saving.
    To do this Do this
    Rename your test Enter a new title in Test Title.
    Add a question Click Add Questions+ and select additional questions.
    Preview a question Click Preview.
    Remove a question Click Delete.
    Change the order of questions Click Upor Down, or click Drag and drop icon next to a question, drag the question and drop it to the position you want.
  5. Click Save a Copy to save your changes.
  6. Enter a name for your version of the test in Test Title.
  7. Click Save.
The Tests tab opens. The edited copy of a premade test is labeled New. If you edit that test again, it is labeled Updated.