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Download and Access the Offline CPT Using Canvas LTI 1.3

Download and install the Offline Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) desktop application from Canvas™.

Download and Install the Offline CPT Desktop App

  1. Navigate to the Canvas course.
  2. Click the Spark Primary Course link.
    You will be directed to the Class Content tab in Spark.
  3. From the Offline Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) - Desktop options, click the one that corresponds to your operating system (Mac, Windows, or Linux).
  4. Install the application by launching the executable file.

Access the Offline CPT

You can access the Offline CPT after you have installed the desktop application.

  1. Navigate to the Canvas course.
  2. Click the Spark Primary Course link.
    You will be directed to the Class Content tab in Spark.
  3. Click Launch offline CPT desktop app.

    You are automatically signed in to the Offline CPT application for six months and can launch it directly from your desktop. After six months, you must click Launch offline CPT desktop app again to renew your automatic sign in.

To download course content to your offline CPT, see Download Content in CPT.