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Export Course Gradebook Data

Download raw course Gradebook data as a .CSV file.
Course Gradebook data reports include:
  • The average grade in the course
  • The percent of the course each student has completed
  • The average score for each student
  • When each student last signed in to Spark
  • The total amount of time each student has spent using Spark
  1. Click Course Management in the top menu to see courses at your school.
    Course Management menu for school administrators
  2. Hover over the course whose grades you want to download and click Export.
    Hovering over a course reveals the icons to create a self-registration guide for students, export course grades, edit the course, and delete the course.
  3. Click Generate Report.

    The following message displays.

    Your report is being generated and will be delivered as a message soon.

    A message will alert you when your report is ready to download.

    On the administrator dashboard, "Messages" has the label "1", meaning there is a new message.
  4. Click Messages.
  5. Click the file link to download the report.
    A new message says the report is ready to download and gives a download link.