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Create an Assignment

Create an assignment using activities from your Spark course. You can set due dates, assign the assignment to specific students, preview the assignment, and allow multiple attempts.

  1. Click Switch to teacher view in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Assignments tab in Spark.
  3. Click New Assignment.
    Assignment menu with New Assignment button.
  4. Enter the assignment’s basic information.
    Assignment title
    Start Date and Time
    When students can first access the assignment
    End Date and Times
    When the assignment is due
    No dates
    Optional: Do not set start and due dates for the assignment. Students can access the assignment throughout the course.
    Optional: Additional instructions for your students
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Click Add course to select resources and select the course your assignment is for.
  7. Select content to add to your assignment.
    1. Click Expand to view available content in your course.
    2. To add all activities in a unit, click Add all to the left of the unit name.
    3. To view lessons in the unit, click Expand next to the unit name.
    4. To add all activities in a lesson, select the lesson.
    5. To view activities in a lesson, click Expand next to the lesson name.
    6. Select an activity to add it to your assignment.
    Note For games such as crossword puzzles, students are only allowed one attempt to complete.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Apply the assignment settings.
    Activity attempts
    How many times students can attempt the activities within an assignment
    Show correctness marks
    When students can see if their answers were correct
    Show correct answers
    When students can see the correct answers
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Select the students who should complete the assignment. You can select all students by clicking Assign to all students, including students that join the course later, or select individual students.
    Selecting All, assigns the assignemnt to all the students in your course.
  12. Click Assign to save your new assignment.