Create an External Tool in Blackboard for LTI 1.0 Integration

Instructors at your school can use the external tool to add course links from Blackboard® to Spark without needing the shared key and secret. This is easier for instructors and improves security.

Before setting up Spark or MyELT integration with Blackboard, contact your National Geographic Learning representative to request configuration details for your institution.

This information is emailed to you and includes the following items:

  • The consumer key for your school.
  • The shared secret for your school.
  • The for the learning platform.
  • One or more product ISBN for the products used at your school.
  1. Sign in to Blackboard as an administrator.
  2. Open the admin panel.

    Blackboard Ultra

    1. Click Admin in the left navigation.

    Blackboard Original

    1. Click the System Admin tab.
  3. Click Integrations > LTI Tool Providers.
  4. At the top of the LTI Tool Providers page, click Register LTI 1.1 Provider.
  5. Enter the following information:
    Field Value
    Provider Domain The you were given.
    Provider Domain Status Approved
    Default Configuration Set globally
    Tool Provider Key Enter the key provided in your LTI connection document.
    Tool Provider Secret Enter the secret provided in your LTI connection document.
    Tool Provider Custom Parameters Leave blank.
    Send User Data Send use data over SSL.
    User Fields to Send Select the following:
    • Role in Course
    • Name
    • Email Address
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Give instructors the following information so they can create Spark using the tool:
    • The consumer key for your school.
    • The shared secret for your school.
    • The product ISBN for each product.
    • The tool name, if you set it to anything different from Spark.
  8. Optional: Configure placements in Blackboard so your instructors can integrate Spark materials without setting the ISBN for each course.
    1. Select Manage Placements.
    2. Enter the following information:
      Field Value
      Label Create a name for your placement that is easy to identify.

      Example: NGL - Book Name - Level (NGL-World Link Level 1)

      Handle Follow your institution's guidelines.
      Availability Yes
      Type Course content tool.
      Launch in New Window Selected
      Tool Provider URL
      Tool Provider Key Auto-fills if set globally when the tool was created.
      Tool Provider Secret Auto-fills if set globally when the tool was created.
      Tool Provider Custom Parameters The ISBN number provided for book and level in the documentation you were sent.
    3. Click Submit.