Create an External Tool in Canvas for LTI 1.3 Integration

Integrate Spark resources within your institution's Canvas™ learning management system, using LTI 1.3.

Spark uses LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage to allow instructors and students to access the platform via their Canvas course, without having to create a separate username and password.

Create an LTI Developer Key

  1. In Canvas, click Admin.
  2. Click Developer keys in the left-hand menu.
    Note Developer keys is an account permission. If you cannot view the Developer keys link, this permission has not been enabled for your account.
  3. Click + Developer Key, then select +LTI Key from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the following Key Settings information:
    Field Value
    Key Name The name of the external tool (Example: National Geographic Learning Spark platform).
    Owner Email Your email address.
    Redirect URIs
    Method Select Enter URL from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the list of Developer Keys, view the Developer Key you just created.
    1. Under State, click ON.
    2. Click OK on the pop-up message.
  7. Under Details, copy the Client ID number for the Developer Key you just created.
    You will need this number for the next step to complete the registration.

Complete the Registration

  1. Go to the registration email you received from National Geographic Learning.
  2. Click Complete Registration located within the email.
    You will be taken to the National Geographic Learning LTI 1.3 Registration page.
  3. In the Client ID field, enter the Client ID number you copied from Step 7 above.
  4. In the Token Endpoint URL field, enter: https://[your Canvas URL]/login/oauth2/token
    1. Navigate back to Canvas, and copy the URL for your site.
      This is the URL shown when signed into Canvas (Example:
    2. Navigate back to the National Geographic Learning LTI 1.3 Registration page, and in the Token Endpoint URL field, replace [your Canvas URL] with your site URL that you just copied.
  5. Click Complete registration.
    Note The Complete Registration link in your National Geographic Learning registration email expires after 48 hours from the time it was sent.

    To get a new link, click Request new link on the National Geographic Learning LTI 1.3 Registration page.

Deploy the Registered Spark App

  1. Go to your Canvas admin page.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Open the Apps tab and click View App Configurations.
  4. Click +App.
  5. Enter the following information:
    Field Value
    Configuration Type Select By Client ID from the dropdown menu.
    Cliend ID Paste or enter the Client ID number from Step 7 above.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click Install.
Note For step-by-step instructions on additional LTI 1.3 functionality not covered here, including how to create Spark courses, assign content, access resources, and sync grade data from within your LMS, contact your National Geographic Learning Sales Representative.