
Intergrate Spark resources within your institution's Brightspace® Learning Management System.

Create a New Course Template

Note We recommend you create a course template for each NGL program.
  1. In Brightspace, navigate to Course Management.
    1. Click Create a new course template and a new course offering that has never been offered before.
  2. Create a name for your course.

    We recommend using NGL, the program, level (Example: NGL World Link Level 1).

Configure the LTI Tool

  1. In Brightspace, navigate to the course you created.
  2. Click Course Admin.
    1. Click External Learning Tools.
  3. Click Manage External Learning Tool Links.
  4. Click New Link.
  5. Enter the following information:
    Field Value
    Title Name and level of the National Geographic Learning program (Example: World Link 1).
    1. Select Sign messages with key/secret with.
    2. Select Link key/secret.
    3. In the Key field, enter the key you were given in the configuration document.
    4. In the Secret field, enter the secret you were given in the configuration document.
    Custom Parameters
    1. Click + Add custom parameters.
    2. In the Name field, enter: custom_isbn.
    3. In the Value field, enter the ISBN you were given in the configuration document.
    Security Settings
    1. Select Use link security settings.
    2. Select all the settings that apply.
  6. Click Save and Close.
    An LTI link is created.